We designed the CEU Events platform with marketing in mind. Your marketing team can promote your company profile page, individual course detail pages, events and enable your instructors to have their own instructor profile pages.
Subscriber account access
Company profile page enabled
Instructor territories assigned
Course(s) enabled
Company Profile Page
Your company profile page is a great way to promote your entire program that includes public events and all courses. This page is dynamic and all data will be displayed in real time based on your events, course approvals and settings.
- Make sure that your company bio is up to date and your company page is enabled. (link)
- Link your company page to your website, e.g., Continuing Education text links to [company profile page]. Feel free to use the CEU Events® logo (scroll down for download).
- Promote your company page on as many of your communications with your target audience as possible.
Course Detail Page
When you want to promote a course, you can use the course detail page. The details on this page include course highlights, title, description, learning objectives, upcoming public events, provider company name and logo, course length, button to 'Request CEU Event' (where enabled), 'Take On Demand CEU Course' button (where applicable), approval and acceptance based on associations and state licensing requirements (where applicable).
Where to find the URL for an individual course?
- From your company page, click on 'View CEU Course', than copy the URL from address field.
or - When you sign in to your Subscriber Account, click on 'Courses' and each course tile leads to a detailed page.
Note: Editing course title may effect the course detail page URL.
Event Invitation Page
The best way to promote an individual event is to create an invitation page URL and distribute it. This way, attendees can register once and receive all event details and location information. Instructors can use the same data for attendance recording and CEU Events' system will help report their attendance accordingly for over 70 state and association organizations.
Link to retrieve invitation page URL.
Instructor Profile Page
The Instructor Profile page enables presenters to have their own URL and promote the public events and courses that they have access to. This is a great tool for presenters to add to their email signature since they communicate with your target audience constantly. If you are a program leader, you must assign territories to the presenters in order for the Instructor Profile page to work properly. After that, you can instruct your presenters to add their bio and enable their Instructor Profile page.
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