California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 1010 into law which requires California architects to complete five hours of continuing education supporting Zero Net Carbon Design (ZNCD) in addition to the current ADA requirements. This applies to all license renewals on or after January 1, 2023.
The California Architects Board will promulgate regulations to establish qualifications for courses and course providers by July 1, 2024. In the meantime, CEU Events has created their own guidelines for this topic.
Coursework that qualifies for zero net carbon design must include information and practical guidance about how architects can prepare to reduce carbon-based energy consumption through design, efficiency measures, and on-site and off-site renewable energy. This includes education on topics such as:
- Operational vs. Embodied Carbon Emissions
- 2030 Zero Net Carbon Challenge
- Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions
- Life Cycle Assessments (LCA)
- Green Building Material Choice
- Energy Code
- Carbon Reduction/Impact
- Renovation vs. New Build Carbon strategies
- Title 24
- Carbon Capture
And more as building codes, standard requirements, expectations, and the environment change in the next coming years.
If you would like to get your course reviewed and recognized please email us. For the list of courses that meet California state requitements click here.
Note, the content must be delivered by subject matter expert in order to qualify for credit.
California Code of Regulations Effective 12/28/2023
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