If you are using unique fonts and you want to make sure the PowerPoint presentation always looks and feel the same remember to embed the font(s).
- Open PowerPoint presentation
- Go to Menu on the upper-left corner
- Select Options
- Go to PowerPoint Options > Save, to embed fonts
- Click on Save options on the left
- Find the embedding options at the very bottom and check Embed fonts in the file. Here, you can either embed only the characters used in the presentation’s text, or the font's entire character set. To be safe, we recommend that you select embed all characters, though it will take more space.
- PowerPoint Options > Save > Embed fonts in the file > Embed all characters
- Under the Preserve fidelity... drop down menu, you can select the current presentation only, or apply this setting to all presentations that you save.
- Click OK and save the presentation.
Note: Don’t use more than two non-standard fonts in your presentation to keep a consistent design and small file size.
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