In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of adding a contact list to your CEU Events account. By following these instructions, you will be able to easily import and manage your contacts, enabling you to streamline your event promotions and communication efforts.
- Sign in with your credentials to
- Click on Contacts
- Click on +List
- Download the template by clicking the link provided in the description.
- Open the template and ensure that you do not alter the headers "email," "first name," "last name," and "zip code."
- Add the data and save the file as a CSV (comma-separated values) file. Please note that the 'zip code' field is optional.
- Enter a name for your contact list. Ensure that you choose a name that will be meaningful and easily recognizable to you in the future. For example, you could use names like "Chicago Architects" or "7/23/23 Event at Company Name" to categorize and organize your contacts effectively.
- Click on "Select", then locate and upload the CSV file that you created in Step 6.
- Click on Continue
You are all set! You will now be able to see the new Contact List.
TIP: Download the template, add your own information to the list, and upload it as a new contact list with your own contact info name it "*Myself." By doing so, when you send future invitations or reminders, you can easily select the "*Myself" list to ensure that you receive a copy of the communication you are sending out. This provides peace of mind and allows you to keep track of the messages you send.
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